School Photographer Partnership Program
Are you a school photographer looking to expand the products you offer and
explore new revenue opportunities? You can now apply to join
Entourage Yearbooks School Photographer Partnership Program and begin
offering schools one of the most fully comprehensive yearbook services in the
industry. As a member of the Photographer Partnership Program (PPP), you will
benefit from:
- Access to Entourage's easy-to-use yearbook design software (Fotofusion)
- Comprehensive training program on how to market and sell Entourage's yearbook services
- Anytime access to view and track your school yearbook projects online
- Marketing material to share with your schools, including product guides, order forms, pricing charts, and yearbook service details
- Access to use Entourage's online web tools and secure online payment processing
- Listing of your company on Entourage Yearbook's Preferred Photographer Partnership page
- Sample yearbooks to share with potential customers
- Territory assignment and photographer partner exclusivity
- Revenue share through a robust commission plan